If you are a fan of Flubaroo you have to check out Google's latest Add-On, Super Quiz! Oli Trussel
O Trussell - Google+ is the creator of what many educators are calling Flubaroo on steriods! So what makes Super Quiz overshadow Flubaroo? Well, other than a more intense version of student feedback and teacher analyzation, Super Quiz boasts a self grading script like Flubaroo that automatically grades submissions immediately after they are electronically submitted without updating the instructor. This means that late submissions are graded without the teacher having to manually activate the self grading script. Perhaps the best part of Super Quiz is that it features a triggered mail merge option for immediate student feedback. This particular feature has been unavailable in Google's new spreadsheets and has been a hold up for developers like Andrew Stillman-creator of Autocrat, G-Class folders and Doctopus; whose Add-Ons rely heavily on mail merge. Mail merge combines information from a spreadsheet with a pre created document to mass produce and personalize submission results.
Super Quiz is available as an Add-On Google in Sheets and is easy to install and the creator is readily available to answer questions and updates on Google+. To find out more and check out a video, click on the Google+ link above!
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