Sunday, April 7, 2013


     Confession; if you have read a lot of my posts here or on FB, you can tell that I'm not really that great of a typer based upon my spelling. I mean, in H.S. I totally sucked in typing class and to be honest, I still look at the keyboard when I type and still make simple mistakes in spelling. Transferring those skills to a smartphone keyboard is even worse for me.  It blurts my mind to see how some people can use a swipe keyboard or how kids today can text a paragraph on their smartphones with one hand. It makes me yearn for the good old days, when pen met paper, and excellent penmanship was more valuable than typing wpm.

      So with the S Pen for Samsung's Galaxy Note2, writing has returned.  Using it in The Google Search option is perfect for me and anyone else who can scribble twice as fast as they can type for very short messages, searches, or notes.  It also does a great job distinguishing my plain hand and cursive penmanship. The option on Google is very responsive and I usually don't have to write more than three to four letters on the search pad before my correct search request pops up in the search window. 
     But what about jotting down quick notes and storing them? Samsung provides a great note option installed on the Galaxy Note2, and it's very UI friendly! Easy to access as soon as you pull the pen from its port behind the phone, but it's a Samsung note, not really effective for me if I want to use it later on in Google Drive where I can share it with others or print my notes from a cloud.  So for a while, I felt I was stuck in a one sided dilemma until recent app developer, SmokyBob, fixed that for me! (Yes, SmokyBob is his real name.)

     Note to GDocs is fast, simple, and does exactly what it was created for; click, write, and close. I use it for what it is really. I share and print quick notes, lists, or even ideas with my students via Google.  Now remember folks, it is a note app, so don't expect to write a book with this thing or create fancy artwork. Like I said, it does what it is created for, and that's taking down quick notes, lists, or ideas that you can share on the fly with anyone you wish. 
     My only hang up with this app is that you can't name your note. It is just based off the date and time.  So if you write a bunch of notes in one day, you have to list through them to find the one you are searching for. 
     Download the app today in Google Playstore and see if it works for you!


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